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Solutions > Compliance & Policy Management > Regulatory Exam & Audit Management

Regulatory Audit & Exam Management

Easily keep up to date on documentation, manage exam tasks and always be compliance ready

Central Repository for Investigation Data

Efficiently manage and monitor exams

  • Streamline exam prep and management with automated workflows
  • Ensure timely completion with the ability to gather or re-use of evidence/samples via exam requests
  • Identify missing elements in compliance program and initiate corrective actions with automated alerts and reminders

Instill confidence in compliance

  • Increase confidence in the integrity of the information, systems and processes by identifying and mitigating areas of non-compliance
  • Streamline communication between auditors through notes, sign off and reviews as well as with auditees
  • Accurately analyze results with actionable oversight dashboards for better response plans
  • Implement automated record keeping to reduce noncompliance risk and avoid costly penalties
Accelerate internal audit planning and include online compliance training.

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pre-built healthcare modules

The SAI360 Healthcare GRC solution offers tailor-made modules for healthcare and managed care providers in the US.

We make compliance exam and audit management easier.

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