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What to Ask Before You Invest in a GRC Platform

When shopping for a Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC) solution, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the choices and features. While there are a lot of different options, it is important to know that beneath the surface, not all GRC solutions are created equal. Choosing the wrong GRC platform can lead to frustration, inefficiencies, and unnecessary costs as your business grows. How can you avoid these pitfalls? By asking the right questions from the start.  

GRC platform


Five Questions to Ask When Looking for the Right GRC Platform

Does the platform have an open API?

Integration is key to making your GRC system work seamlessly with other tools. An open API allows your GRC platform to connect easily with other tools you already use, such as PowerBI or Tableau for reporting, or even your CRM system. Without this feature, you’ll face limitations in data sharing and workflow automation, creating silos that slow your operations. 

Is the platform SaaS-based, and what are the alternatives?

Older, non-SaaS-based platforms can be a headache. They’re often difficult to access remotely, slow to update, and expensive to maintain. SaaS-based solutions offer agility and ease, with automatic updates, scalability, and accessibility from anywhere. Make sure your platform supports your team’s need for flexibility and growth. 

Can the platform scale with your business as it grows?

A scalable platform should expand alongside your company, adding users, features, and integrations without costly upgrades or slowdowns. Ask vendors how the system handles increased complexity, such as new regulations or business acquisitions, and whether the platform can adapt to future changes. 

What is the level of support and service offered?

Even the most robust GRC tools will fall short without good support. Investigate how quickly the vendor responds to issues, whether they offer 24/7 support, and if they provide a dedicated representative for your business. Poor service can leave your team stranded when they need help most, slowing down critical compliance processes. 

What are the common pain points that push organizations to switch GRC platforms?

It’s crucial to understand why companies leave their current GRC vendors. Common reasons include outdated interfaces, lack of innovation, and poor support. Reporting challenges, expensive upgrades, and complexity also drive companies to seek modern GRC platforms. By knowing these pain points, you can press vendors on how they’re solving them—and avoid falling into the same traps. 

Final Thoughts 

Choosing the right GRC platform starts with asking the right questions. By focusing on these key areas—API integration, SaaS capabilities, scalability, support, and pain points—you’ll be better prepared to find a solution that supports your business’s growth and evolving needs. A GRC system that scales easily, integrates seamlessly, and offers dependable support will ensure your GRC strategy stays on track. 

Why Try SAI360’s GRC Solution?

In an era of heightened regulatory requirements and operational risks, siloed approaches to GRC are no longer effective. SAI360 addresses this by providing a comprehensive, real-time view of enterprise risks, streamlining compliance processes, and embedding ethical standards through engaging training. With solutions like operational risk management, digital risk resilience, and audit management, SAI360 empowers businesses to proactively manage risks and foster a culture of compliance, improving efficiency, visibility, and decision-making agility. By consolidating GRC needs into a single adaptable platform, SAI360 reduces inefficiencies and operational vulnerabilities, positioning organizations for growth and long-term success.

Let’s Start a Conversation 

Schedule a virtual coffee with a team member: Click here to demo our GRC solutions.  

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