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Watch Designing Learning Experiences for a (Neuro)diverse Audience

Christine Brown

VP, Learning Product, SAI360

Marketa Garces

Manager, Learning Design, SAI360

Audrey Diallo

Art Director/Senior Manager, Experience Design and Media, SAI360

When it comes to learning, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. While neurodiversity is not new, its rise in awareness has become a key consideration for learning experiences beyond the traditional classroom. How do we apply these concepts to Ethics and Compliance eLearning?

In this webinar, we walk through concepts and processes to engage both neurodivergent and neurotypical learners. Our speakers cover:

  • Content development for a neurodiverse audience
  • Visual design best practices
  • Recommendations for producing engaging learning experiences for all learners

Please register to watch our webinar on-demand:

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