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Regulations > EU CSRD Compliance (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)

EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

CSRD compliance requires increased transparency, consistency, and comparability in corporate sustainability disclosures

What is the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)?

Amending reporting requirements under the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) aims to improve corporate accountability in sustainability reporting through increased transparency, consistency, and comparability. The CSRD extends NFRD reporting requirements to include detailed reports on environmental rights, social rights, human rights, and governance factors.

At a Glance
StandardEU Corporate Sustainability
Reporting Directive (CSRD)
SAI360 SolutionEnvironmental, Social
& Governance (ESG)
Privacy Regulations by State and Country

First applicable to all companies listed on EU regulated markets (except for microcompanies), the CSRD will later be required of “large undertakings” that are either an EU company or an EU subsidiary of a non-EU company.

Why is CSRD Compliance Important?

Following adoption of the final text of the CSRD, EU member states will have 18 months to translate the directive into local law. First reporting will be required in 2025, based on FY 2024 data.

Beyond these fast-approaching CSRD requirements, organizations will continue to be challenged to keep up with changes in disclosure rules and standards. Building the capacity to monitor and automate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) regulatory compliance is a critical step toward being able to quickly respond to change and ensure continued compliance.

How SAI360 Supports CSRD Compliance

SAI360 supports disclosure and performance reporting within the CSRD by providing a flexible, agile approach to ESG. Our cloud-based software and modern ethics and compliance learning content maps risk to requirements, automates assessments, and improves compliance and business performance so you can truly manage your ESG strategy and goals. It enables you to make agile decisions using up-to-the-minute dashboards for key metrics to:

  • Strengthen CSRD compliance
  • Streamline ESG metrics management and generate disclosure reports
  • Centralize policy management across your organization
  • Develop a real-time view to manage ESG risk

Whether you’re starting to track key ESG metrics or are taking your ESG program to the next level, SAI360 provides a solution that is ready to help you meet the expectations of your shareholders, stakeholders, regulators, customers, partners
, and employees.

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