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Sexual Harassment Training and Tracking: A Crucial Step Towards a Safer Workplace

Despite a public demand for increased accountability, sexual harassment continues to happen in the workplace. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported a 13.6 percent increase in sexual harassment complaints in 2018 over the previous year. Between FY 2018 and FY 2021, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received over 98,000 charges alleging harassment under any basis and over 27,000 charges alleging sexual harassment. 

sexual harassment training and tracking

There’s a dire need for better sexual harassment tracking. Sexual harassment is notoriously under-documented, with up to 20 percent of workers who experience sexual harassment and assault reporting it, one in five women too afraid to make a complaint, and nearly one in four women fearing being fired for speaking up post-incident.  

One in two transgender individuals will face sexual abuse or assault at some point and nearly one in four men will experience sexual violence during their lifetime. 

To Address Workplace Sexual Harassment, Organizations Must Track and Train  

Offering incident tracking along with anti-harassment training in combination has proven to be an effective sexual harassment workplace solution. A comprehensive, multifaceted approach is essential for proactively addressing harassment and building a respectful workplace. 

To effectively combat sexual harassment, organizations must create an ethical culture supported by robust anti-harassment policies and engaging training. This involves instilling appropriate behaviors through clear policies, maintaining employee awareness with regular training and reminders, and training managers to handle harassment reports confidentially and without retaliation. 

How SAI360 Can Help 

SAI360 is proud to be the only organization that helps companies manage both sexual harassment training and tracking as your all-in-one solution. 

SAI360’s dual approach—essential for employee well-being—combines real-world scenarios with a “show, then do” strategy. This method effectively teaches ethical behavior in the workplace by presenting practical situations, followed by guided decision-making and feedback.  

As we move towards more purposeful and ethical business practices, SAI360’s GRC and Learning solutions are invaluable in guiding organizations through this necessary cultural shift, ensuring a safer and more inclusive workplace for everyone. 

Let’s Start a Conversation 

Click here to schedule a virtual coffee with one of our team members and learn more about how our GRC and Learning solutions can help your organization thrive. 

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