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A Guide to Preparing for the UK Corporate Governance Reforms

For the first time in half a decade, the UK Corporate Governance Code is undergoing a significant transformation. The Code will provide extensive shifts in the responsibilities and obligations of larger organisations in the UK, leading to standards of good practice through emphasis on robust risk management. Perhaps the most significant proposed changes to the Code affect the parts covering audit, risk, and internal controls. This includes company’s now being required to make an annual declaration that proves their risk management systems have been effective throughout that reporting period.

With the overall goal being to improve transparency and accountability, technology plays a pivotal role in simplifying the challenges around risk and control management, audit and assurance policy disclosures, and your statutory annual resilience statement. To understand more, read our e-book where we discuss:

  • An introduction to the UK Corporate Governance Code
  • A breakdown of key changes
  • The role of technology in corporate governance

Download the e-book now:
